Thursday, 5 November 2009

Bonfire night & addictions

Went to the bonfire celebrations tonight, didn't realise how popular this event was with people from many other villages.  It just goes to show that with a village hall committee dedicated to their community and raising money for charity, what would we do without these ladies.  It's a pity we cannot have a proper bonfire, is it because of red tape bureaucrats?

One thing I've realised lately is that you have to be careful about mentioning some websites.  What, you may ask yourself was it.  I just happened to mention a feature I was adding to the website, a simple photograph that you could put together in the form of a jigsaw.   Now it appears that half the village, near-by villages, Humberside Police and the island of Cyprus have taken up this addiction.  For this I blame my long suffering partner Charmain, is this her revenge for going on and on about Internet websites, maybe not but she is certainly likes to do more than the odd jigsaw.

There's maybe a moral to this article in that be careful what you say it may comeback to haunt you, for my part I need to wait until late at night to post articles such as this.